

There are a lot of interesting things happening when you first plug in your AirPods and case into the charging station, which is why the AirPods charge rapidly and hold their charge for five hours. It’s incredible! Of course, everyone’s top question is: how do AirPods charge so quickly?

Because Apple AirPods include small lithium-ion batteries with a greater energy transfer capacity and less current resistance, they charge more quickly. However, a dead battery might occasionally be the reason for the speedy charging.

Discover why AirPods charge so rapidly by reading on, and find out if the reason your fast-charging earbuds are charging so quickly is due to their quality or to the fact that they are ready to die.

Why Can AirPods Charge so fast?

The lithium-ion batteries in AirPods are the key to their quick charging. The batteries’ first noteworthy feature is their modest size; every required part has been carefully consolidated onto a disk the size of your pinky finger. This not only makes things simpler to transport and store, but it also results in significantly reduced resistance to the current flowing from the charger to the batteries. 

The fact that these batteries may provide far more power (W) than the typical nonchargeable lead-acid battery is another significant feature of these batteries. An essential variable in the energy transference equation is wattage: Power is the product of energy transmitted and time.

  • Power is measured in watts
  • Time is measured in seconds
  • Energy is measured in joules

The energy transmitted increases with increasing wattage. apiece iteration of AirPod has a different watt capacity, however the second generation, the Apple AirPods 2nd generation, featured earbuds that could carry up to 93 milliwatt-hours apiece and a case that could hold up to 1.520 milliwatt-hours, for a total capacity of 1.706 milliwatt-hours.

This is supported by the battery’s 5-hour one-time runtime and its capacity to hold a charge for over 24 hours when used with a case. You may anticipate a significantly greater wattage with the third generation as it can be charged for up to 30 hours with the case and for 6 hours on a single charge.

How do AirPods Manage their Energy?

Your case will begin to “trickle charge” your Airpods when they are more than 20% charged, continuing until they are 90% charged. The invention of trickle charging is incredibly power-efficient!

The case will keep charging your fully charged Airpods at the same pace that they self-discharge, preventing your battery from gradually draining even when you aren’t using it—a process known as self-discharging. 

Your Airpods will remain completely charged in this manner until you use them. After that, your trickle charger won’t be able to maintain the battery fully charged due to the high rate at which current is being pulled from it during operation. Even so, you can use your AirPods continuously for at least five hours with that kind of battery life.

When charging your case, Apple’s remarkably energy-efficient power management is demonstrated once more. Your case will charge normally and operate in low power mode while it is closed on the charger. But for three to four minutes, when the lid is open, it becomes more “active” and uses more energy from the charger.

Lastly, neither the earphones nor the casing will use more power than they require—roughly 2.5W—or even less. They seem rather smart, don’t they?

How Long Does a Full Charge Take?

Regarding the charge, we must take into 

  • The earbuds
  • The charging case

The duration will vary according on the model of AirPods you own, but for ease of use, we’ll use the second generation. 

The earphones will charge completely in about thirty minutes when they are at zero percent battery life. That’s not too terrible, given that most PCs these days still take an hour or longer.

In contrast, it will need around an extra hour and a half for the charging case to completely charge. Thus, when empty, it will take two hours for the AirPod earphones and charging case to charge completely. 

One interesting feature of the AirPods’ charging system is that the case won’t start to recharge on the charging station until the earbuds are at least 20% charged.

This is most likely a result of the charging case requiring sufficient power to connect to the earphones. Once the battery falls to 20% or below, you may have experienced problems with the connection. The AirPods prioritize their charge in yet another way.

Is a Fast Charge Really That Bad?

On the one hand, the excellent quality and sophisticated engineering of the battery is probably what accounts for the short charging time for your AirPods. However, after using your Airpods for a few years, the high-quality battery and cutting-edge technology may be failing. 

It is common for batteries that are almost completely depleted to charge more quickly than when they are fully charged. This is because a battery that is almost empty has much less potential, which is something that prevents the electric current from flowing, but a battery that is more full has a higher reverse potential, which slows down the charging pace.

Having an empty battery that charges in a matter of minutes is rare. This is a reliable sign that your battery needs to be replaced.

Wrapping Up

Apple is proficient in their field. And occasionally, their products truly leave people wondering how they manage to achieve it. You now understand why AirPods charge so quickly. 

And you will be able to recognize the engineering wonder with this information. You’ll thus be aware of what to do, what not to do, and how to charge your AirPods correctly the following time.

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